

what one?
honestly, i typed it out of nowhere but the only word in my mind at that time was,"one"
and after typing and posting it, i received d only one comment. interesting one, isn't it?

one person thought of it
and another one person responded to it
it takes one to one
to at least, one thing
what one?
maybe one way
or one day
or one time
or the first one
or the last one
which one
is the one and only
for one last time
the final one
come to me
one by one
so i can choose
the only one
the ultimate


!*! kerepek kehidupan !*!

tajuk nye adalah kerepek kehidupan bkn sbb aku suke tgh mkn kerepek. oh, tidak same skali. aku bkn tgh mkn skang, aku tgh naip. lgpn, skang pose. ne leh mkn maaa..

thn ni adalah thn yg plg lame aku xpose iaitu 9 hr. dh la 9 hr xpose, lg lak nk mkn kerepek? oh, tidak same sekali. lgpn, aku mmg tak berape gemor mkn kerepek sbnrnye sbb bile dh terselit dkt celah2 gigi aku yg tak sekata ala2 siri halimah jongang tu, mgkin gigi2 aku ni kategori cicit halimah jongang kot, xla kritikal bentuknye. aku ni plak, amatlah malas aku nk mengesan dimanakah lokasi sisa-sisa kerepek tersebut dan perkara itu la yg amat membazirkn masa aku yg cukup berharga ni.

so, kesimpulannya aku nk merepek hari ni. merepek ttg kehidupan aku yg telah aku lalui selama 32tahun, setakat ni. bkn la aku arif sgt ttg kehidupan ni yg leh wat aku begitu berfalsafah cm aristotle ke, plato ke atau seangkatan dengannye ke..tp ni la kehidupan aku yg bak kate adik ku hau, "hidup u ni penuh dgn masalah ek.."

masalah? ... tula die..pkataan kerepek pertama dlm khidupan aku yg nk aku gigit2, kunyah dan telan. tp bile kunyah2 kang tersekat lak..tp if xkunyah dan ditelan kang, mau mati tercekik lak aku. ingat perut aku ni mesin blender la plak?

so, bgitu la dgn khidupan aku. pe yg ade dpn mate, aku terima je. bak kate ibu aku, "sume tu rezeki, long..sntiasa pk positif.." baik bu.. kemudian, akan ku gigit2, kunyah2 sebelum ditelan wpun ade sisa-sisa or saki-baki yg tertnggal di celah2 gigi2 putih gadingku ini. ku hadapi semua dengan menapis isu2 tersebut serta mengupas semua permasalahan yg timbul..

namun, setelah diusahakan, ade juga yg terlepas pandang yg tertinggal di mana2 yg membuatkan kite sakit dan bersusah-payah..xkn aku nk biarkan je kot? aku kena la kesan sisa-sisa tersebut dan berusaha utk membersihkannye dan mengeluarkannye supaya sisa-sisa tersebut akan menyusur ke lorong yg benar dan sepatutnye. maka lps tu, selesailah segala kekeliruan dan terlerailah semua dugaan..

tetapi, in d first place, sape yg plh kerepek tu utk dimakan? AKU sbb kdg2 xde pe nk mkn, mkn jela kerepek tuh..
sape suh mkn if dah tau xsuke mkn kerepek? AKU sbb rezeki, sian lak..syg if xmkn..
sape suh mkn if xsuke senario sisa terlekat kt celah gigi lps tu? AKU..sbb..bknnye susah pn nk kuarkan sisa2 2..huhu

so, if dh tau g2, lps ni, xpyhla bkorban byk bende if dh tau xsuke mkn kerepek dan malas nk mbersihkan sisa2 keperek tersebut dlm kehidupan ku.

so, elakkan kerepek. if ade dpn mate, anggap je tu rezeki dr Allah, xpyh berdetik atau berkata ape2 pn psl kerepek tersebut. hati tu ilek kn aje. then, xpyh la amik kerepek tersebut, apatah lg nk mkn, dijauhkan la hendaknye.

ye, mmg la kerepek tu xbsalah, xbdosa tp aku kena wat kptsn la, btol? dh tau implikasi kerepek tersebut pd gigi, watpe nk cr hal lak, kn?

jauhi kerepek, gigi jd sihat dan kuat serta kehidupan mjadi berlipat ganda selesa.

akhir kate, enjoy ur kerepekS!

~Aku suke buat kuih raye~

aku suke buat kuih raye

sbb aku suke mkn kuih raye

kuih raye ape yg aku suke mkn?

suji, inflasi, tart yg mak buat dan sewaktu dengannye.

aku suke buat kuih raye

sbb aku suke bau kuih yg harum semerbak

wpun proses membuatnye leceh

lame dan susah

dan proses mknnye dlm 10 minit je dah habis separuh balang,

tp aku suke tgk muke org happy

bile tgk muke org happy bile tgk kuih

apatah lg bile dorg mkn kuih

dan tersenyum ms dorg tgh mkn kuih.

aku suke buat kuih raye

sbb hanye waktu hr raye je ade kuih2 raye

aku suke buat kuih raye


itu lah namenye

hari raye

so, selamat hari raya semuaaa


~'~ Andai ~'~

Andai kata ku mampu ke masa lampau

akan ku ubah zaman itu

akan ku ubah semuanya

Andai kata ku mampu bersuara

akan ku katakan semua yang terbuku di hati ku

Andai kata ku mampu memilih

akan ku dapatkan yang terbaik

Andai kata ku mampu mencipta

akan ku ciptakan sesuatu yang tiada cacat celanya

Andai kata ku punya kuasa

akan ku perbetulkan segala-galanya

dan semua nya bisa menjadi kenyataan

bagai yang ku inginkan

yang ku idamkan

yang ku rancangkan

yang ku rencanakan

Andai ku tinggalkan semuanya

suatu hari nanti

biarlah kutinggalkan

ilmu untuk semua

agar dijadikan pedoman

dan amalan

sepanjang zaman


~What goes around, comes around~

Hey man, is she everything you wanted in a lady?

You know I gave you the world

You had me in the palm of your hand

So why your love went away

I just can't seem to understand

Thought it was me and you babe

Me and you until the end

But I guess I was wrong.

Don't want to think about it

Don't want to talk about it

I'm just so sick about it

Can't believe it's ending this way

Just so confused about it

Feeling the blues about it

I just can't do without ya.

Tell me is this fair?

Is this the way it's really going down?

Is this how we say goodbye?

Should've known better when you came around

That you were gonna make me cry

It's breaking my heart to watch you run around

'Cause I know that you're living a lie

That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find...

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

Now babe, I remember everything that you claimed

You said that you were moving on now

And maybe I should do the same

Funny thing about that is

I was ready to give you my name

Thought it was me and you, babe

And now, it's all just a shame

And I guess I was wrong

Don't want to think about it

Don't want to talk about it

I'm just so sick about it

Can't believe it's ending this way

Just so confused about it

Feeling the blues about it

I just can't do without ya

Can you tell me is this fair?

Is this the way it's really going down?

Is this how we say goodbye?

Should've known better when you came around

(should've known better that you were gonna make me cry)

That you were going to make me cry

Now it's breaking my heart to watch you run around

'Cause I know that you're living a lie

That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

What goes around comes around


What goes around comes around

You should know that

What goes around comes around


What goes around comes around

You should know that

Don't want to think about it (no)

Don't want to talk about it

I'm just so sick about it

Can't believe it's ending this way

Just so confused about it

Feeling the blues about it (yeah)

I just can't do without ya

Tell me is this fair?

Is this the way it's really going down?

Is this how we say goodbye?

Should've known better when you came around

(should've known better that you were gonna make me cry)

That you were going to make me cry

Now it's breaking my heart to watch you run around

'Cause I know that you're living a lie

But that's okay baby 'cause in time you will find

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

Let me paint this picture for you, baby

You spend your nights alone

And she never comes home

And every time you call her

All you get's a busy tone

I heard you found out

That she's doing to you

What you did to me

Ain't that the way it goes

When you cheated a girl

My heart bleeded, babe

So it goes without saying that you left me feeling hurt

Just a classic case

A scenario

Tale as old as time

Babe you got what you deserved

And now you want somebody

To cure the lonely nights

You wish you had somebody

That could come and make it right

But babe, I ain't somebody with a lot of sympathy

You'll see

(What goes around comes back around)I thought I told ya, hey

(What goes around comes back around)I thought I told ya, hey

(What goes around comes back around)I thought I told ya, hey

(What goes around comes back around)I thought I told ya, hey

[laughs]See?You should've listened to me, babe

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Because(What goes around comes back around)


~Love this song~

~My Say~

Here's my say on my man, what i expect from a guy. Yela, lelaki leh je ltk syarat2 utk plh pom - yg pkai tudung la, yg pndai masak la, yg kurus la, yg pandai melaram la, yg itu la, yg ini la. so, pom pn ade syarat2 gak. one book that i recently read mentioned that a lady should set her own standards on his ideal man so she'll not be lost and she can easily choose the best.
here goes ;
1) he always has us in him
2) he must say no to cigarettes atau yg seangkatan dgn benda tu
3) he takes care of his health coz i really am particular about this issue
4) he keeps to his words
5) he knows how and when to say sorry and never repeats them
6) he protects us
7) he can accept & understand the eccentric me, my family, friends and everything relates to me.
8) he's not boastful & not always about himself
9) he listens
10) he succeeds in his world
11) he knows how to balance everything in life
12) he can make me respect him for what he thinks, does and says
13) he is loyal
14) he ain't a player
15)he's responsible
16)he's smart cognitively
17)he's not dressed selekeh la sgt
18)he likes reading
19)he's compassionate
20)he respects d elderly
21)he has his own principles and follow them through
22)he doesn't have hutang keliling pinggang
23)he's good in managing finance etc
24)he's thrifty but not pelokek with me. always pemurah with me, hehe
and the list goes on and on and on
i'm not that particular of what he did in the past coz i'm not the type of digging the past. i'm a realist and i look forward to the future. yes, without the past, there's no future. learn from the past, don't ever repeat and make the best for the future, ain't it better?
ok, revised. maybe i do wanna care a bit on his past as he'll carry my children's genes especially on his health etc. as for the traits, i can't help those. it's in his blood. we'll just have to work the best for us..together, for the best..nothing can be achieved if u work single-handedly..two is better than one, as it goes..
well, that's just a list, a guideline. whoever he is, d one, is already fated and destined. i don't know him, yet. what i do know now is me. so, i gotta just be myself, always love what i'm doing now, always contented with everything i have now and make the best out of it.
i should thank everybody around me for making me so blessed being around them
ayah, who has given me such powerful traits of being so independent and intellectual.
ibu, who has helped me in being a woman, digging my feminine side, practising patience and modesty.
eddy, my dearest bro, who understands and believes in me though we put our claws out sometimes, d'oh..
fadhil, who has now able to listen to my suggestions in making his life better..my words are now finally making sense to him, hoho..
izzat, whom i hope he's forgiven my jerks in the past..i was totally hideous then, i now admit and confess, true to the ground..
nabihah, who is very, very, very, much like me (i know u'll disagree to this statement, aha!), though we still have some dissimilarities, thank you for letting me instil English in you..
hidayah, who is really cool in giving me advice and really good in enterprising things..
forgive me as i ought to write more as words can never express one's exact feelings..

grateful and honoured to let me have all of you in my heart
as usual, i'll istikharah, istiqamah and tawakal..insyaAllah, He knows the best and He has bigger plans for me..


Say i'm a pauper

would any man darted a glance at me?

Say i'm born physically impaired

would any man praise me to the skies?

Say i'm a bimbo

would any man love d real me?

Say i'm a nerd

would any man sincerely befriend me?

Say i'm a pious

would any man live up to my expectations and guide me?

Say i'm an absurd

would any man sacrifice himself to always stand by me?

Say whatever u want

Say anything

Say everything

I would just keep my mouth shut

I would let my ears listening

my eyes witnessing

my brain dissecting

my heart beating

my nose breathing

my lungs throbbing

my faith will always lead the way

as it has always been.


Serik nya

nk mulakan sbb tak tau akhir nya jadi apa

Serik nya

nk teruskan kalau tiada penghijrahan

tiada tauladan

Serik nya

kalau terkena lagi

Serik nya..


nk cuba lagi ke?


a player is

always one

as he doesn't know what he wants

and he craves more than he has





for he is clueless

about love.


he's not a fool

he's just too ignorant

and arrogant

to love only


when a player has set

his mind

his eyes

his goals

but not his heart

for his heart is solely for him

he ain't going nowhere

he'll go there

he'll go everywhere

he'll go to them

his preys

his victims

his admirers

for they, are the idiots

who have loved a player

who will forever be


To whom it may concern

Wake up and smell the coffee

see the light at the end of tunnel

listen to the pin-drop


Nay, but make haste;

the better foot before

to whom you should concern

and never look back

not even a glance

nor a wink

what's past is best left


till one day

the skeleton will show itself

to whom it may concern.

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry..

forgive me

for i can't stop


forgive me

for i love expressing

using words

written, but not spoken.

spoken words which are swallowed

by time

by the past

by the memories.

forgive me

for sometimes

i've failed

i've flaws

i've miscommunicated

i've misinterpreted..

forgive me

for my flaws

for i am just

the imperfect -


The voice

what's that sound?
do u hear that?
can somebody hear that?
is it something so significant?
is it anything of a virtue?

just break free
from this madness
from this absurdity
from these uncertainties


does it really matter? yes
regretting, not

At a certain point

at a certain point in life
you would feel you are
but who are u, anyway?

at a certain point
you would go out and scream
is that all?

at a certain point
you would just relax and go
with the flow
and do nothing, say nothing
is it worth it?

at many points in your life
you would receive many things
lose some things
endure a few things
and just have only one thing left for you..
at that point of your life,
make the best out of it
and you will be who you are,
you will have it all,
and you are worthy of it.


is like a shadow
it always tails us
and it will always stay with us,
wherever we go
it's in us
however, what's past should remain there
and respected.

is like a glass of mixed fruit juices,
when one drinks it
one tastes it
sweet, sour, salty
a little bit of everything.

is like a desert
an abyss
in which one feels,
one has a very long way to go
in life

one can't judge
can't predict
can't deny
that those are facts
those shape

just be urself
with d past as ur guidance
ur present as ur groundwork
and ur future as ur ovation.