


this will be the title for my first book. came out of nowhere when i focussed on my protagonist. talking about blanket, personally, i must have a blanket before i sleep. it's one of the needed things on my bed.

well, blanket is about how's life is perceived from a toddler's perspective. it's a boy. both parents have marriage issues that need fixed. there are parts where the parents talk to him; one by one. so that's when the perspectives of life come about.

the parents then separate, leaving the toddler to the dad. he has a new stepbrother, the same age, whom he shares everything. they grow up together and end up loving d same girl, which turns out to b, his sister, from her mom's 2nd marriage.

his mom then got a divorce from her cheated husband and their daughter, whom he loves, turns out to be a player as she detests men.

he is so frustrated and tries to be matched with other girls from there onwards but his family history plus his love experiences have made him too selective. here, it can also be highlighted on how a man thinks of a relationship.

in d end, the protagonist is living his single life searching for d meaning of love in which he has put a blanket onto it.

~Voila! how's that? well, this book will b more philosophical as it's gonna be my style of writing..plus, it is me..i'm d sort of very deep when it comes to viewing life or anything related. wish me luck on producing this book! ~


~How to avoid divulging too much info~

“Maybe I’ll order the red curry soup. My ex loves Thai, though, and I’m still trying to get over him. He’s hard to shake, like that attack of dengue fever I picked up in Djibouti. Have you ever had blood flukes? He did. Nasty. He’s suing me over totaling his Oldsmobile. Can you believe it? That thing always smelled like cheese. My cousin Jackie, she’s my best friend, says I should get a lawyer, but I hate lawyers. I wouldn’t want any child of mine to be a lawyer. Would you? By the way, do you want children? Oh, here comes the waiter. What looks good to you?”
Odds are you won’t look too good if you have an attack of the blurts like that. Too much information is just that — too much. Yes, you want to let the other person get to know you on a date, but how much information is too much information, especially early on?
“The first date is a time of ‘getting to know you,’” says Diane Gottsman, an etiquette expert and the owner of the Protocol School of Texas. “Although you don’t want to come across as vague or aloof, airing your dirty laundry can wait until you know each other a little better.”
Rinatta Paries, who coaches men and women on creating loving relationships, agrees. She adds: “Once you like someone, it is easier to ignore or even appreciate quirky behavior. But if the quirky behavior is thrown in on the first date, before the person has gotten to know and like you, your date may get turned off.” We all have little things that make us unique, but all clumped up, they might look downright strange.
And this kind of behavior indicates an even worse trait: self-centeredness. “Don’t concentrate on ‘me, me, me,’” says Gottsman. “Of course, you want to have a back-and-forth conversation, but instead of thinking about what you are going to say as soon as your date stops talking to take a breath, focus on what the other person is saying and ask thoughtful questions.” How can you tell if you’re running away with the conversation? “The rule is 60/40. Listen 60 percent of the time and talk 40 percent of the time. There is nothing worse than a date going on and on and never asking any questions about the other person. That is a sign of someone who is self-absorbed and not a good second-date option,” Gottsman adds.
Gottsman also emphasizes that conversation early on should be “not too personal and not too invasive.” Paries goes a step further, advising, “Make a list of non-first-date topics ahead of time so you’ll know what you’re not going to talk about. If your date touches on those topics, let him or her know you’ll be willing to talk about that topic on subsequent dates — let’s say, date five. You could even make a joke about not being willing to discuss certain topics on the first date.”
Says Gottsman, “Good relationships are based on trust, and it takes time to get to know someone before you can trust him or her with your sensitive information. For example, you should be honest and say whether you’ve been married before, but you shouldn’t go into every detail of the breakup and the negative personality traits of your ex and how you broke into hives and had to be hospitalized for the rash!”
Personal security is another reason for being careful with personal information. No one wants to look cagey, but no one wants to be foolish. It’s also a bad idea to make yourself too accessible right away. Gottsman asks: “How many times have you met The One, and then that person ended up being the one you wanted to forget?”
Being a bit mysterious can also add some allure. As Janet O’Neal writes in The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Art of Seduction, “Maintaining that air of mystery will make your relationship much more exciting, alluring and seductive than if you spelled everything out for your partner.” The idea is to reveal oneself as intimacy evolves, not to hide behind a mask that doesn’t even look like you. Paries says, “It is absolutely necessary to be yourself at all times through the dating process. Otherwise, you end up catching people who weren’t actually looking for you but rather for the persona you were presenting.”
“The bottom line is that your date is going to be able to see who you are without your saying a word,” says Gottsman. “Your actions, such as the way you treat the wait staff, the way you handle accidents, the way you talk about your ex or your mother, the way you talk about your job, are all indicators of who you really are. It all comes out, regardless of what you say. It just takes time to see. Too much information is an indicator of someone who is anxious, needy or self-centered.”
So be who you are when you are dating — just not everything you are all at once.


~How to know if a man likes u~

here's something that i have googled.


Signs That a Guy Likes You

  • The guy might act kind of strange and fidget around you but nobody else. It probably means he likes you but does not know how to say it!
  • I think the most obvious signs a guy likes you is when he says the dumbest things just to keep talking. I say this because a guy I really like does that to me but he doesn't want to admit that he likes me. Because he thinks I will laugh. Also if a guy tries to hold your hand or starts talking dirty as a joke its totally obvious.
  • one of the most obvious signs that a guy likes you is that he will just always stare at you even if they don't know you, they will just stare at you from a distance hoping that you will notice them
  • Most likely a guy will just stare at you a lot of the time and when you look his way he just stops looking at you until you look away. He will always ask only you for stuff they really don't need. Just so that they can get yur attention or he just wants to small talk or even make you laugh!
  • I agree!! when a guy likes you, you notice them always staring at you, looking until they notice your looking to so they know that you are intrested at least, I also think when a guy calls you at random times or calls you a few times a day just to say hi, means that he is intrested. it also makes you feel good, I think its the sweetest thing.
  • when a guy likes to play around a lot and glance his eye at you a lot even when your looking. he makes up nicknames and picks on you for fun because he nos it will be a funny joke and not serious to make you mad. when your angry he will feel sad for you and tell you he's sorry if he bothered u. they also will take up for u.
  • yeah agreeing with the last message.. stop stereotyping guys. lol. not everyone is going to make dirty jokes or try to hold your hand. the biggest thing you should look for is respect, and that he is nice to you. cause really, other than that, what else can you want from a guy at the beginning...?
  • I think if a guy likes you he'll be touchy-feely or he'll like keep "accidentally" bumping into you just to touch you.
  • I also think a guy will play stupid when he's around you looking like a fool but he just really wants to impress you.
  • Guys will also act hard to be mature when there around a girl they like or over protective of you.
  • you'll know that a guy likes if he starts following you wherever you go and always making eye contact
  • he'll find any way possible to glance at you three times a day or stare at you a lot. if you catch him in the act he might prolong the gaze(if he's not shy) and other times he'll turn away until you stop looking at him and if you look at the corner of your eyes you will find him taking another glance at you again.
  • He looks at you a lot and then turns away quickly or lookin down is a good sign, he may "accidentally" bump into you. His pupils dialate when he talks to you. When you talk to him he seems to be hanging on to every word...
  • you will know that a guy likes you when he loves to play with your hair and really annoys you that much... repeat those words you asked them even their not at all funny!!!
  • he'll use the any excuse to touch you.. like if you're wearing a necklace he'll move closer and grab it to "look at the necklace" or he'll play with a tie on your shirt or a ring.. anything to get close to you ( but this could mean it in another way, so this is not always true because I have a married men with three kids who does this to me all the time at work he will randomly come up and like touch my shoulder, ect. And it seems like hes doing this in a friendly way to say hi), it seems like a friendship thing, not relationship thing, and maybe that's just the type of person he is!
  • he play fights with you
  • when he's talking to you he'll touch your arm or put his hand on your shoulder
  • he always makes eye contact with you.. even when you're not talking he'll just look at you and smile.. and he can't stop smiling
  • he says stupid things to keep the conversation going
  • he'll tease you playfully
  • if you're going to the movies he'll choose a scary movie over a comedy or anything else.. scary movies are an excuse to cuddle :p
  • One sure fire that you can tell if a guy likes you or not is. If you are in a bad mood he will try anyhing to make you smile. Also he will try and get close to you even when you are crowds away. Or at least he will try and catch your eye.
  • I've found out that if a guy likes you, he'll act nervous around you sometimes or always try to be around you.
  • he might act slightly jealous when you're talking to or about another guy...and then he'll want to know ALL about him so he can try and work out if he's got competition. and i agree with the whole teasing and play fighting thing, and if he accidentally hurts your or annoys you he'll be really sorry and use it as and excuse to get a hug, lol. overall, he'll be nice to you and make you feel good :)
  • I think one of the ways that guys do show us they like us is... to be mean to us.. you know like they did in grade school. I have a guy right now that is sooooo arguemenative with me, just for no reason. Just to argue... He comes over to me at work and picks at me, for no reason. He is always looking at me. I will look at him, he will look at me, then smile. He is just one of those guys that is just like a little kid. PICK and be MEAN. Several people have said if they didn't know better they would swear we were married!!! We fight like an old married couple. He says I frusterate him, and vise versa. Its crazy! But I know he likes me. He just can't admit it. Some guys are that way, you know if he likes you if he throws rocks at you... LOL or pulls your hair, LOL anyway. Thats just one way to tell...
  • if he says 'hi' to you, multiple times, and its just to get your atention. he enjoys you looking at him.
  • Guys will find any excuse to touch you. Like if they point at something in the distance they will grab your arm. They also pretend to fight with you by pushing you or teasing you. If the guy makes you upset, he will comfort you and try to get a hug out of it (again, physical contact). If a guy likes you he will always look you in your eyes and find any reason to talk to you even if the subject is silly.
  • i think he likes you if he comes up and talks to you even though he doesn't sit with you alsomt evryday. and when your in a group his attention is almost always on you(example: he says hi 2 you first then 2 evryone else or he doesn't even say ot to them! or he realizes that he's been focusing all his attention on you and then quickly says something to someelse to try and cover it up.)
  • Another sign is being mean (yep) this could be comments about your height,age,hair etc. example you could be short so he might make mean comments about it. or playful mean like a water fight or something .
  • touching; if he touches you he might try and make up some lame excuse to do so . or he might not he might stand extra close to you and lean on you and kind of bump shoulders with you, of course you don't mind lol when its just the 2 of you you can have a good conversation if you just feel relaxed around him its a good sign and finally looking at you then smiling/turning away quick is a good sign.
  • Signs that a guy likes you is that yes, they make a lot of eye contact and usually will not turn their head when you look at them to create that crazy feeling smile between you too. I think a guy trys several different ways to say they like you if they don't know which way to apporach you from. My guy friend and I are always at a loss for words, we know each other well and we have been there and done that several years ago. Take it slow don't rush.. these are the best part of falling in love!! "The Signs" But don't go to slow they may run away casue your not bitting back.
  • If a guy really likes you he will gaze at you until you look his way, and then he'll either quickly turn away or smile at you(it depends on whether he's shy or not). Also, he'll always be looking for excuses to get closer to you or be where you are. It'll be pretty obvious. Trust me, you'll know if he likes you.
  • NOT EVERY GUY IS THE SAME. EVERYONE HAS DIFF WAYS OF SHOWING HIS FEELINGS. one might fetch things for you, carry things for u, sit with you at lunch, laugh at your jokes. My ADVICE: if you are a girl, you KNOW if a guy lieks you or not. DONT MAKE A PRO-CON LIST out of it.
  • I know, this is stereotypical, but DONT EVER ASK A GUY OUT!!!... let him know you like him, but DONT ASK HIM OUT. that gives him waaayyy too much of an EGO BOOST. let him know what you feel,a nd let HIM take it from there.. I know this helps.. AND PLS.. don't change for a guy. worst thing you can DO. same with guys: don't change for sm dumb girl.
  • When there is a crowd of his friends or people around you he will wait until everyone leaves or he will hesitate to leave until he gets you on your own so he can talk to you. Also eye contact is a big clue. He'll be really nice to you or compliment you.
  • I think you know when a guy likes you when he stares at you from across the lunch room and when you look at him he quickly turns his head . Also when your sitting right beside him in homeroom and he purposely moves his arm so it is right up next to yours and dose'nt move it away .you defenetly know when you drop stuff in the hallway and he always picks it up for you .
  • You can never know for sure. Take a chance, ask if they do or ask them out, and if they say "No", what's the worst that coudld happen!?!? (thanks to my friend Ker for that one). If your like me, you'll come up with some story about how you'll be living in a shack with thousands of cats by the age of 21. But in reality, everyone has let downs from time to time. Just think, if he says "Yes", aren't the pros that come along with the little word worth the risk?
  • I don't really have anything to add that hasn't already been covered..but if a guy is shy, he will try to be near you, but wait for you to say something before he has the courage to talk. He might seem visibly nervous. With some guys, you can tell. With the other less obvious ones, the biggest sign is usually that they'll do something for you even if you're just joking around about it. But hey- that's just from my own experience.
  • I think the most abious thing is that he will look at you alot and he'll try to be around you as much as possible. Just give it time love sweet girl!!=).
  • when guys are around you and you dont really know they like you,they will ask for hugs or high fives.they will some times make nasty jokes that invole you in it..:o (if you know what i meen)but they are always trying to be funny around you.they always look for you after school or befor of even during.
  • Boys are so honest well if ur me but the guy I like is so so so honest.and I really really like him but his way of showing he likes is that if you write a note and ask him do u like me he will write maybe maybe so i ask him again he says yea so i feel cool so really why dont u JUST ASK HIM and he will apreciate ur honesty and if he likes u he likes u but there is a guy just for u!!!
  • a guy likes you if he notices alot of things about you like your outfits,hair,jewlrey etc.
  • He'll ask for your number.....
  • He will stand really close and tall when he is talking to you.......
  • If a guy likes you, he will show interests in your interests. He will not compliment you to your face as much as he does to your friends. He will always want you to make the first move - believe me i know this from past experience. I, too would never ask a guy out but i do think that all you lasses have to be abit bold and daring and put yourself out there. Show your true worth...by showing a bit of self confidence ..in turn, he will become confident enough to ask you out.
  • The king of all signs is that a guy will worry about you so much when your ill. He will always ask about you and make sure you get well soon.
  • I think if you tell a guy you like him and he says he just likes you as a friend then that could mean two things. 1.He could just be shy or surprised and not want to admit it, because he's embarrased or another reason like that. One way to tell is that he stills sometimes hangs around you. He may joke around and say -/+ things about himself. That means he just wants to impress you or get your attention. 2.He could really NOT like you. If you really think this so, you'll most likely know. He won't pay much attention to you. He may say hi a few times, but he may also be friendly but not over friendly.
  • All guys are different and you never know what they are thinking. Guys are strange and absurb, but follow your heart and you may find Mr.Right.
  • If he likes you, then he gives you special attention, being totally oblivious to everyone else in the room. U feel like the only person in the world that matters. when u talk, he just gazes into ur eyes..takes special interest in you & your little matters, also gives u utmost respect, looks at you after everything he says to see how u react, and when u look at him, he looks away smiling.he'll try to show off his physical strength, by lifting something or someone heavy, and then looks at you to see if he's impressed you. also, he'll try to defend you when someone makes fun of you.
  • Listen to ur instinct.. You'll just know if he likes you.
  • A guy does NOT like you if he is mean to you. I dont mean like, making jokes about your height or something like that, Im talking MEAN.....he definetly does not like you. Because in my opinion it is rude, disrespectful and definetly immature!!
  • ok this coming from a guy, look for these signs. trying to make jokes. protecting you alot. trying to make you happy while your sad. holding on to you not in a sexually way but like wrapping his arms around you. smiling at you alot. and the last but biggest one is if he really likes you hell give you a lot of respect. but all guys aren't the same keep that in mind.

  • When he looks at you when he thinks you aren't looking. If he should ask around about you. If he appears to get close to you such as looking over your shoulder. If he looks like he wants to say something to you, but says nothing. If his face turns red. If he slinks off when you are coming closer to him.
  • If you like this guy and you are relatively sure he seems interested in you then give the guy a break and ask him out for a coffee or to a movie. Go with another couple if you have too.

  • I agree with the above answer, also.. If his friend and him pass by you and then walk of giggling meanwhile he's looking away or turning red..:) and also if his friends stare at you a lot. and umm yeah if he's a shy guy he will try sometimes to show you he likes you..but somtimes it may seem like he hates you its just that he doesent know how to act around you; BUT guys who are not shy will just plain tell you.

  • Wow, girls are definetly different than guys heh.
  • i think a guy like u when he always look at u even though u don't know him.he will be sad when ur sad he'll be happy when ur happy .he wants to get in trouble if u get introuble.he'll help u.he'll ask random stuff.he tries to touch u by bumping u and stuff.

  • If you are sick, the guy will keep telling you to feel better and say i hope you feel better.
  • well, he would tease you , alot . not in a mean way though lawl . he would say sorry or somethin' when doing somethin' wrong to you . he might even ask you if you love him ! buut it might be some joke . yeah he might be jst jokin around wit you / impressing his friends / using you to make another girl jealous . when he does ask you or somethin' then dont say no strictly, or he will give up on you, cos he knows fosho you dont liek him . also , signs of contact are veryy useful, like patting ur head or hugging perhaps even holding yo' hand . (: brew like you will have instincts if he loves you . or the way he acts . hope this helps :)
  • don't ask him out, if he likes you , then eventually he will ask you . show interest . or else he might be too shy / in confident . wait for the results, be patient.
  • is it true wen a boy likes you he will not talk to you as much like he does too other girls really i think a boy has a different way of expressing there love some can be mean some can be very nice this is also a sign if a boy bosses you around and does he does not do it to anyone else like sometimes tells you what to do?
  • Try to be yourself. You might want to take control and ask him out, but find out first that he likes you.
  • Someone wise once told me that if you can think of three reasons not to do something, don't do it. It works the same with guys: Make a list of all the things you like and those you don't.


-d vacuum me-


if i were to write from my empty mind
and vacuum heart
it would be an abyss
to a never-never land
with a difference
of having no Peter Pan
and no Tinkerbell.
the neurons would not adore me
the souls could not feel me
i will be Miss Hyde
trapped in my own roles
split between the time
of confusion
but alas,
i need to fly
feel the breeze
in my ears
the whispers to my mortal self
that i am now
not a simpleton.




yesterday, i bought Lili, hehe..my guitar. i bought it for the admiration that i had in a friend who likes to strum,sing ie entertain people who have worked so hard just outside of his house. noble heart.

priced rm189, Santa Cruz. It's handmade. didn't expect to decide on this finishing.  had in mind of going with a plain coloured texture but i fell in love the first time i set my eyes on her ;)

bunyi pn sedap..well, enough about that. aku xsbr nk strum.


~Ache-O @ Echo~

when you can only listen to you
and you are the only one talking
in a vacuum
lost in your own vicinity

an ache-O, t'is,
when what you ask
marks another question

when it's a repetition

t'is an ache-O
but it'll end
when there's an aye
the final reply