here are some of the things; a lil bit of things in my life happened in 2011. what about yours?
the best month : November, of holiday! haha
the worst month : Sept, with the big exams for the kids..
the best moment : moving in to my own house in Jan, woohooo (there are a few but i chose this one, hehe)
the worst moment : suffering from flu in Dec and haven't yet recovered till now
the best statement given by random people to me : "Laaa, ingatkan umur awak baru 24 or 25"
the not-so-good statement given by random people to me : "Degil nya..."
the best food tasted : Cabbage parcels made by Hani..awesome! (byk sgt gak sbnrnye..susah nk plh..) in 2nd place, i would say seafood spaghetti kt KLCC, recommended by my deary Sis, Nur Syazatul Nabihah binti Laili..awesome!!!
the worst food tasted : macam xde la..sume aku makan sedap je, alhamdulillah! ;) oh, maybe Toffee Nut Frappuccino kat Starbucks mcm minum cendol..hehe..kureng menepati citarasa ku..sowi Starbucks..
the best food outlet : warung kat Tmn Paya Emas sbb nasi lemak+ayam goreng rempah nya best! in 2nd place i would say, the pasta outlet kt KLCC tu la..aduyai, lupa lak nombor berapa kan outlet nya..seafood spaghetti nya enak & carbonara nya pun sedap!
the worst food outlet : pun macam xde..sume tmpt mknn yg aku p sume best ;)
the best attire bought : a black jumpsuit worth rm20 hehe. love it!
the worst attire bought : shawl hitam corak denim coz menggelapkan muka ku..
the best advice given by people : "Kau dh prnh ade pglman org laki2 syg kau tp kau xsyg dia sgt..and kau dh prnh syg org laki2 yg xsyg kau sgt..lps ni, kau akan jumpa lah dgn laki2 yg syg kau dan kau pn same syg dia.." insyaAllah, Amiin ;) credits to Nurul, tsentuh jiwa ku dan ter-berenti aku dari painting masa tu.. ;)
the best advice given to others : "Hidup ni kna berani..dan ikhlas gak..dan semuanya berpunca dari niat..once u've decided to do things, think through and just do them. if anything goes wrong, learn from it. admit that u r wrong and promise not to repeat it..dat''s life..nobody is is not perfect.."
the best TV prog : The Voice..aku suka Adam Levine, haha!
the worst TV prog : Wipeout..aku xsuka sehhh cite ni..tah ape2 tah..
the most fun moment : gotta strum my guitar to my students at the hall on Teacher's Day and in my form 4 classes, strumming+singing (ye, over kan..but i love making fool of myself in front of my students, yg mana layak la..sbb sian kan dorg dh penat bljr..) ;)
the proudest moment : i could finally make a decision about my heart and said it out for discussion rationally..bukannye sng ok nk bncg soal hati dan perasaan berdepan dgn org yg kita suka dgn scara tenang dan rasional ;)
the most embarrassing moment : ermh..pun macam xde je..sbb bak kata adik2 perempuanku, aku ni toya selamba sukati badak je susah nk rase malu..erk, yeke? haha! eh, oh ade la! in Jan, i was the only female watching rugby games in JB..mcm bengong je sbb mmg xde pom lain kat situ dan aku xtau sebenda haram pn psl rugby..kire malu gak la tu dok tponyok kt situ sorg2, haha! malu malu control je le..tobat!
the craziest moment : agreed to accept a favor from a guy a.k.a going out with him, who is a decade younger than me (yes, i was totally out of my mind!) tobat xnk buat lg wpun ok gak la kuar2 gotta meet people tp, pass! haha!
the best book bought : Angelina (mestilah psl idola ku, Angelina Jolie)
the most cherished book bought : Haruki Murakami's "South of the border, west of the sun"
the most cherished thing : Bold 2 from Eddy ;) cannot live without that Bb
the best thing bought : Lili a.k.a my first guitar ;)
the most expensive thing bought : my own house in Melaka, hoho! tp masih bhutang gak la smpai umo aku 63 thn..
dh la mls nk tulis lg...penat nk pk, haha!
hope to enjoy this year and many more happiness and success to come..and i know, my time will come, insyaAllah Amiin ;)
take care
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