♥ some quotations from people around me, mana yang aku mampu ingat la..i'll edit it from time to time..Oh, these quotations ni, ermh, lbh kurang mcm reminders kpd aku la. it's not only about me but these things are also happening to other people too..just sharing coz i know nothing about other people but i know only about myself. bknla berbunyi seperti selfish atau syok sendiri kn, tp xkanla aku nk memandai2 lak taip psl org2 yg aku xtau and pndai2 mengagak kan? sbb aku ni jenis nye, if xphm ape2 ke, aku akan btanya..lgpn, it's just not me to talk about other people. though by writing this down means i'm telling the world about what's happened to me but if dat what it takes to share experiences or maybe there are people out there who are now enduring such issues, hope these quotations might b an assistance to u, in one way or another. i appreciate people's point of view and i just wanna document them down. sbnrnye, byk lagi la quotations dr org2 keliling aku ni and quotations tu tentang ape2 je pun sbnrnye, x semestinye pasal relationship or men saje. tp bile tgk kt bwh ni, mostly pasal relationship and men, heh..alamak, kena categorised kan ke? (susah bile taip BM bercampur BI ni...sorry..) ape2 pn, bende2 ni sangat subjektif..terpulang kpd keadaan semasa dan juga org2 yg terlibat dlm isu/insiden/keadaan tersebut...so, selamat membaca. ini pun sangat impromptu sbb, tibe2 tingat..tula aku ni, byk sgt ingt bende2 sekeliling and then muhasabah. and then aplikasi kn sebaik mgkin dan doa. and then, tawakal. so, dgn bc bende2 ni, mungkin korg pn akan teringat kpd org2 yg rapat dgn korg ke, kn..how they have touched ur heart by their words that come from their heart, simply because, they love u...

"Liars are liars and they will always be" ~ LD @ Ayah
"Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind" ~ LD @ Ayah
"Biarlah orang buat kita, jangan kita buat orang..." ~ RI @ Ibu
"Nice people are hard to achieve success. if u r nice, u can't easily succeed."
"Don't tell the truth, for people can easily manipulate the truth against u"
"People change and I've changed. don't trust people with your heart. you'll have nothing left later on."
"Kau kena kenal dgn org lelaki2 jahat baru kau tau dunia sbnr camana. kau ni baik sgt.." ~ Zai
"Kalau lelaki tu dh layan awak cmtu sebelum kahwin, if dh kahwin nanti apatah lg" ~ LD @ Ayah
"We like the pious change in u but u r not urself when u r with him" ~ LD @ Ayah
"Choose a man who loves u more than u do to him. u'll know what i meant by then." ~ LD @ Ayah
"Responsible is d keyword. he can love u wholeheartedly but if he's not responsible, then, that's it" ~ LD @ Ayah
"Anak2 Ayah ni, manja boleh, mengada2 jgn sekali" ~ LD @ Ayah
"Jangan jilat ludah awak semula. When somebody has done that to u in the first place, he can do d exact same thing all over again and trust me, he will do it again 100%. if he wants u, he'll do what he's supposed to do. he's a man, act as one. simple. But, if he fails to even do what he has said to u, then u'll know what kind of a man he is. remember that." ~ LD @ Ayah
"A man should treat a woman with respect. if he doesn't respect u though as a friend or even as a human being, then don't treat him with respect too. buat baik berpada2 Long. bsangka baik bpada2.." ~ LD @ Ayah
"Bila player tu mmg dh lali jadi player, sampai kiamat pn dia jd player, melainkan dia berdepan dengan isu ajal maut ke, baru lah dia bertaubat, beb. itu pn if dia jenis sembahyang ckup la, kn. tp kalau dah player yang suka main2 kan hati dan perasaan org, sembahyang pun apa gunanye sebab asik aniaya org je..if not, aku was2 la sorg player nk kembali ke pangkal jalan..boleh la insaf tp mmg kena azam yg sgt kuat la.." ~ Anggek
"I kesian kan u lah, Long..umur 31 tahun baru jumpa or terkena dgn lelaki jahat..tapi yela, an eye-opener for u..if not, u akan pk baik je kat semua lelaki..u ni,muka je serious, prangai tegas tapi pk baik sgt kt smua bende. pk baik kt smua bende, ok. sgt optimis yg ekstrim. agak2 la nk optimis pn..if dh laki2 tu buat jht kt u, laki2 tu wat dek kat u, lyn mcm tah ape2 wpn u sgt bek pd die, xkn u nk pk baik gak kot, hello..hati kena keras sket la..baik mcm mn pn u, kalau laki tu xnk kt u, mksdnye, xnk la. xpyh nk bek dgn laki2 g2. xpyh nk doa2 utk die berubah jd bek ke pe ke. bio die smyg doa sndiri. tu pn if die smyg la kn..die bkn jodoh u la tu. dah, p cari len." ~ Hau
"I tak nak u mengharap and kecewa lagi Long..it's not worth wasting your time crying for that kind of man" ~ Yani
"Laki2 ni sng je Long. if die nk, die cari kite la. if x, dia buat bodoh je. U kna paham tu, Long.." ~ Dikgung
hmm..banyak gak heh yg aku ingat...maklumla, sbg org bahasa, mmg pkataan2 or ayat2 dr org2 sekeliling aku ni, mmg insyaAllah aku leh ingat la..dan aku sangat suke ayat2 dr org2 yg bg aku nasihat la sbb dorg ckp bkn dr buku tp dorg ckp dr pglmn dorg sndiri or pglmn2 org len skitar dorg la. tah aku xtau nk terangkn tp, aku sgt hargai la pe2 pn org bg nsht kat aku.
Baru perasan yg byk quotations dr LD @Ayah :) yela, mmg x dinafikan, aku ni rapat dgn ayah. sbb ayah nye jwpn byk rasional dan aku ni sgt rasional nye org. bkn la emosional sgt pn. kdg2 ade gak sedih tp utk tidak sedih dan tidak mngorbankn kn air mata ku ini, maka, aku selalu la merujuk ayah yg bijaksana. ayah lak jnis byk hujah, praktikal and direct. tula psl aku byk ciri2 karektor mcm ayah..anak ayah la katekan,hmm..sbb, kalau aku rujuk ibu aku, sure ibu aku akan selalu emosional blame aku, hehe. sbb, aku xnk jd emosional, tu sbb aku xrujuk ibu aku kot..dh la isu emosional, kang aku rujuk ibu aku, lg emosional so xjd ape kang..sbb ibu aku sure akan bg nasihat gni nye,"sabar la Long..kite sangka baik jela..bio la Allah je bls ape2 pn yg org buat kat kite.." tujela ibu akan kate,"sabar..sabar.."
ok, to be continued in Part 2, insyaAllah..tapi aku kna ingat balik org2 len lak heh, kalau ade la quotations nye or kalau la relevan ke kan..haah, baru pasan xde quotations dr adik2 laki aku lak or dr pkck, mkck, sepupu sepapat etc sbb maklumla, keluarga besooo..nanti la, next entry..ok, selamat semuanyaaa :)
*Taken from fb notes, dated Fri, 22 Jul 2011*
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