i just LOVE this movie. some quotes that are really useful in real life, just for guidance but there are exceptions. just don't blindly follow it. everybody experiences hiccups in relationship, including me, just survived after a bitter trial in love, earlier this year. i endured and got back on my feet, alone, but feeling satisfied as i obtained the strength from Allah. it took some time to heal, no doubt. but the sacred journey of patient practices day n night has now become one with me, alhamdulillah..
yes, u'll have ur ups and downs in relationship, friendship or marriage, but that's life. learn from it, change for d better and i do believe that there is somebody out there who loves u. just trying 2 b positive here, ok. love is a matter of growth, maturity, a process that can't be completed within a day or two, not even a thousand decades. if a guy loves u, he loves u no matter what. but love can always bloom and can also fade. if the latter happens, just b prepared and love another person who loves u. d other person might not b ur other half. it could b ur mom or dad, or ur friend or even ur neighbour. anybody! love is everywhere. just learn to read d signals from them..learning will always take place anywhere at anytime.
well, back to this story, i love this one character, Alex. he's so true; in his words about men, women and relationship. honestly, all the quotes down here are from him. enjoy reading this piece as i've always enjoyed watching this movie; for plenty of times, ahaha!
1) Don’t wait for a call from a guy coz if he ain’t call u, means he’s just not interested in u. Don’t let him call u a psycho.
2) There are exceptions and rules to guys – the rare exceptions. The rule is this; if a guy doesn’t call u, he doesn’t wanna call u. – always apply this, please.
3) If a guy is treating u like he doesn’t give a shit, he genuinely doesn’t give a shit. No exceptions.
4) If a guy wants 2 see u, believe me, he WILL see u. he will make everything happen. he will make it happen.
5) Guys invented the "spark" so they could not call and treat you kind of bad and keep you guessing, and then convince you that the anxiety and fear that it creates in you is actually a "spark." And you all buy it. You love it. You all thrive on it because you all love drama.
6) If a guy wants to date u, he will make it happen. he will ask u out. Did i ask u out?
7)Why do women do this? Why do they build this stuff up in their minds,
take each little thing a guy does and twist it into something else? It’s insane!

writing this down and sharing with u are something i enjoy doing. u can read them, believe in them but please, u have to adapt to ur situations as people are not all d same.we are unique creatures. we can't b too judgmental because we need to broaden our perspectives in life so we can easily avoid conflicts using the most diplomatic way as possible.
d point is this, if u r destined 2 b 2gether, HE will make d move. HE will choose u and u just say yes or no. d decision 2get married with his chosen one is HIS. get me? those are some lessons i learnt and i cherish for future undertakings.
so, wish u all d best of luck in your relationships! two is better than one, so they say. sail through it with pride, love and respect. if u can't find one, then b one. :)
infinity of XOs from Moi
*Taken from fb notes, Tue 23 Nov 2010*
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