
~My Standing Ovation~


yes, today marked the 33 years of my contributing to the world. me, contributing? yes, no, maybe..but they are a lot of great bunch of people whom i owe my life to..for the rest of my life, more than words can say my love for these great individuals..

from my earliest years of life, my childhood was a great one..i was nurtured to be not only independent, but i became a very independent girl instead. having to cry my heart out as the first born of Mr Laili bin Darus and Miss Rohana binti Ismail, i was raised not to be scared of anything, be brave and stand for what is right and admit to what is otherwise. i have believed in that since then and surely, for eternity. i have hold the emblem of this family since 1978. proud of that, happy and always be positive of whatever outcome it may be. i know i'll always have Ayah and Ibu behind me as i've always been there for them...

my first standing ovation goes to Ayah and Ibu..obviously, i have both of ur undeniably great genes, buried in my flesh and blood. i'll never forget the things that u've taught me; impliedly or directly.

Ayah, i've always remember things that u said to me..one of them is,"sometimes, u have to be cruel to be kind, Long.." i've applied that mostly in educating the students as u've educated me in being responsible, disciplined and many more..as i've grown more matured, i seek for u even more regarding many things including men..the best person to answer my curiousity on things related to that issue is no other than u, Ayah. u r my ever after role model in most parts of my life, Ayah..

Ibu, we've always argued when i was in my teenage years, hehe. u've said to me,"Ibu rase la, Long lebih bagus jadi peguam sebenarnya.." i agreed to ur point of view but i end up as a teacher instead. we've always contradicted with each other as u've always labelled me as to having Ayah's genes more than urs, hehe..i'm with u on that one. however, now, as i've grown in becoming a lady, i've finally realised i should possess femininity where appropriate and other traits that are for my optimistic future. i'm grateful for now i've come to my senses to follow you in my new path of life, Ibu and thank you ;) i'm blessed to have ur love, Ibu..

as for my siblings, my dearest little brothers and sisters...too much of words to write about u guys but not to worry, i'll do my very best to express them verbatim...

Eddy, u're my partner in crime since childhood and u'll always have me to back u up, huh ;) every time before my bday, i would remind our uncles and aunties not to give me dolls or soft toys but instead, give me remote control cars or robots so we can play with the toys together. dat was how it meant to always have u in my mind though i was only 7 years old. so far, i hope i've always been there to help u, to be by ur side and to trust u no matter what. sorry if i wasn't able to perform to my max some of the times but u've surely done those for me and i'm thankful, Eddy..Keep it up in being the best father to Faiz(and more to come) and the best husband for Yani, as Ayah has always done that for Ibu and us..Blood is thicker than water and it is there, forever, Eddy..

A.lang, i still remember protecting u from our crazy maid when u were 2 years old and i was eight. the fact that i was very young never stopped me from telling the truth to Ayah and Ibu about that case and alhamdulillah, actions were taken and the truth prevailed..u've helped me in being more dedicated to the family since then, A.lang..

A.teh, i know that u do not favour me that much, haha. yes, i've always had my point of view when it comes to u. but that was before..now, u've taken a new leaf and hopefully everything has turned out to be marvelous for u, A.teh..just remember, i did & said those things just for the purpose of being cruel to be kind..if you perceive it otherwise, let time help me in unveiling the truth from my humble heart..this petite modest heart cares for u, ok, A.teh..

Hau/Akak, i love d fact that we carry similar traits, mostly, haha. u mirror me, Akak..d only thing is that u r better than me in only small parts of life, haha. d rest, as usual, u know the answer, hehe..there are many things that i learn from u, Akak and i'm touched by your sense of sarcasm :D kiddin'. nevermind, i know u'll evolve. u'r still young and there are more to come..i can never thank you, Akak..

Dikgung/Adik, i hope i've been a good eldest sister for u, Adik..yes, i wasn't around when u were a child as i was away in MCC, Kuantan and i wasn't always at home..the time when we began to be close was when i moved back to the south in 2006 and d fact that u have already grown up and we can start talking about many things then. though u take econ unlike Akak & me, u respond actively whenever i need help and all..Kisses for u, Adik..

Life is a journey, they say..my journey is not a fruitful one if it hasn't been because of these marvelous, extraordinary people...they are my family, for better or for worse, we are ONE..

*Taken from fb notes, OBVIOUSLY dated on my very birthday, Feb 5 2011*

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